Metamask: Is there a way to make the user pay “aggressive” gas fees automatically instead of them choosing that in MetaMask?

Unlocking Aggressive Gas Fees: A Solution for Dapps

As more Defi applications, such as decentralized Finance (Defi) Protocols and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTS), Gain Traction, Users are increasingly relying on their metamask wallets to interact with these platforms. However, this also means that the fees associated with interacting with external services can be prohibitively expensive for some users.

Currently, when using external services likeacles, the Defi Protocol or Payment Processors, users typically need to manually configure their metamask settings to enable gas fee optimization. This offten requires them to know the specific RPC (Remote Procedure Call) address and network of the service they are interacting with. While this is a simple process in theory, it can be a cumbersome and time-consuming task for many users.

The Problem: Manual Configuration

For example, if a user wants to use metamask as an intermediary between their wallet and aacles (a Defi protocol that enables decentralized access to liquidity providers), they will need to manually configure metamask settings:

  • Set the RPC Address of the Aacles Service

  • Choose the Network used by the Aacles Service

  • Enable Gas Fee Optimization

A Solution: Automatically Configure Aggressive Gas Fees

Unfortunately, there is no built-in feature in metamask that allows users to automatically configure aggressive gas fees based on the specific RPC and Network Used. However, we can explore alternative solutions that may provide a similarity similarity.

One Potential Solution Involves Using External Libraries or Apis that Enable Metamask to Interact With Aacles Services Without Manually Configuring Settings. For instance, we could use an API like Aacles’ Native SDK, which allows developmenters to access their Service’s RPC endpoint and set up gas optimization for the user.

Unlocking Aggressive Gas Fees: An Alternative Approach

To overcome this limitation, we propose a new approach that leverages metamask’s existing infrastructure to automatically configure aggressive gas fees. This solution involves creating a custom metamask plugin or extension that:

  • Detects the RPC and Network used by the User

  • Retrieves the current gas fee settings for those specific services

  • Calculates an optimized gas fee based on the detected fees and network characteristics

architecture plugin

Metamask: Is there a way to make the user pay

Here’s a high-level overview of the plugin architecture:

* GasfEeCalculator : A custom class that calculates the optimized gas fee based on the detected fees and network characteristics.

* rpcdetector : an extension that detects the RPC and network used by the user, providing metamask with this information.

* Configurator : A plugin that retrieves the current gas fee settings for the detected services.

Implementation Roadmap

To implement this Solution, we would need to:

  • Create a New Metamask Plugin or extension (E.G., Using Javascript and Webassembly).

  • Integrate the rpcdetector into the plugin.

  • Develop the `GasfEecalculator ‘class that takes input from the detector and calculates an optimized gas fee based on the detected fees and network characteristics.

  • Create a configurator plugin that retrieves the current gas fee settings for the detected services.


While there is no straightforward solution to automatically configure aggressive gas fees in metamask, we believe that the proposed approach offers a viable alternative. By leveraging the existing infrastructure of metamask and creating custom plugins or extensions, developers can unlock efficient gas fee optimization without requirement manual configuration.

As our understanding of blockchain technology evolves, we expect this concept to become an essential tool for Defi applications.

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