Gated Neural Network Definition

We’ll initialize our weights and expected outputs as per the truth table of XOR. The loss function we used in our MLP model is the Mean Squared loss function. Though this xor neural network is a very popular loss function, it makes some assumptions on the data (like it being gaussian) and isn’t always convex when it comes to a classification problem.

Activation Function

We will use mean absolute error to implement a single-layer perceptron. We will use the Unit step activation function to keep our model simple and similar to traditional Perceptron. It would be amiss if I didn’t mention these articles which have touched on the subject of neural nets and logical gates before. If you are familiar with logical gates you might notice that an inner part of this expression this is an XNOR gate. Activation functions should be differentiable, so that a network’s parameters can be updated using backpropagation. One potential decision boundary for our XOR data could look like this.


I’ll be throwing around the words bias, weight and activation function and I shan’t be taking the time to explain what I mean beyond this simple diagram. The goal of the neural network is to classify the input patterns according to the above truth table. If the input patterns are plotted according to their outputs, it is seen that these points are not linearly separable.

Logic gates are the fundamental building blocks of electronics. They pretty much make up the complex architecture of…

It was used here to make it easier to understand how a perceptron works, but for classification tasks, there are better alternatives, like binary cross-entropy loss. Remember that a perceptron must correctly classify the entire training data in one go. If we keep track of how many points it correctly classified consecutively, we get something like this. This data is the same for each kind of logic gate, since they all take in two boolean variables as input.


This is our final equation when we go into the mathematics of gradient descent and calculate all the terms involved. To understand how we reached this final result, see this blog. In order to do this I would like to link you to a particular data set on the Tensorflow Playground.

Logic gates are the basic building blocks of digital circuits. They decide which set of input signals will trigger the circuit using boolean operations. They commonly have two inputs in binary form (0,1) and produce one output (0 or 1) after performing a boolean operation. The device you are using to read this article is using them for certain.

One of the great things about these gates is their easy interpretability. Many of these gates are named in plain English, such as the AND, NOT and OR gates. These logical gates are summarized in the table below so that we can refer back to them later. Talking about the weights of the overall network, from the above and part 1 content we have deduced the weights for the system to act as an AND gate and as a NOR gate.

In this case there will only be one variable input to the neuron, x1, and we would like the neuron to output a value close to 1 if x1 is positive and output a value close to 0 if x1 is negative. Although it isn’t important for this problem, lets say that we want an output of 0.5 if x1 is exactly zero. For the XOR gate, the truth table on the left side of the image below depicts that if there are two complement inputs, only then the output will be 1. If the input is the same(0,0 or 1,1), then the output will be 0.

If not, we reset our counter, update our weights and continue the algorithm. Here, we cycle through the data indefinitely, keeping track of how many consecutive datapoints we correctly classified. If we manage to classify everything in one stretch, we terminate our algorithm. We know that a datapoint’s evaluation is expressed by the relation wX + b .

  1. An MLP is generally restricted to having a single hidden layer.
  2. In conclusion, the above points are linearly separable in higher dimensions.
  3. In this case there will only be one variable input to the neuron, x1, and we would like the neuron to output a value close to 1 if x1 is positive and output a value close to 0 if x1 is negative.
  4. So after personal readings, I finally understood how to go about it, which is the reason for this medium post.
  5. In this work, we import these ideas to the quantum realm by presenting a general theoretical framework to understand, classify, design, and implement equivariant quantum neural networks.

In order to achieve 1 as the output, both the inputs should be 1. In my next post, I will show how you can write a simple python program that uses the Perceptron Algorithm to automatically update the weights of these Logic gates. Now that we are done with the necessary basic logic gates, we can combine them to give an XNOR gate. To make it simple a sigmoid function returns 0–0.4 if the result of a model (z) is a negative number and 0.5–1 if the model is positive. Hidden layers are those layers with nodes other than the input and output nodes.

Then we will design a multi-layer perceptron for learning the XOR gate’s properties. While creating these perceptrons, we will know why we need multi-layer neural networks. The overall components of an MLP like input and output nodes, activation function and weights and biases are the same as those we just discussed in a perceptron. An activation function limits the output produced by neurons but not necessarily in the range [0,1] or [0, infinity). This bound is to ensure that exploding and vanishing of gradients should not happen.


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